To the members of the Republican National Committee:
As co-founder of the conservative grass roots movement known as #TCOT (Top Conservatives on Twitter I am happy to present you with a list of 155 members of our organization (with enthusiastic comments) who are publicly supporting Sharon Day's candidacy for RNC Secretary.
Founded in November of 2008, TCOT has rapidly grown into one of the leading conservative movements on the web, aimed at bringing conservatives together to build a stronger Republican Party.
On January 30, you will be voting for the future of the Republican National Committee when you elect our new RNC officers. Today, we humbly ask for your vote for Sharon Day as our next Secretary of the Republican National Committee.
As conservative online grassroots activists, we believe the future of the Republican Party should be in the hands of leaders like Sharon. From day one of her campaign for Secretary, Sharon has made technology a cornerstone of her campaign with an active blog, a strong presence on Facebook and by continuing to be one of the Top Conservatives on Twitter. She has made it her top priority to work with the next Chairman of the RNC to establish the technology necessary to win in 2010 and beyond.
Sharon is committed to steering the Republican Party back towards the conservative principles of Ronald Reagan and once again becoming the Party of big ideas.
As the leaders in the online conservative movement, we trust that you will see for yourself the amazing work Sharon has already done to strengthen the Republican Party as a National Committeewoman, a community leader and a phenomenal grassroots activist and vote her the next Secretary of the RNC.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Michael Patrick Leahy, Co-Founder of Top Conservatives on Twitter