Despite the opposition of the vast majority of the American people to the Big Government health care takeover proposed by the Obama Administration, the President, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi are determined to ram down their socialist health care packages through the Congress.
So be it.
We are not without resources, ideas, or tactics to stop this monstrous abuse of our country's political process.
It's time to take the town halls to Washington, D.C.
For more details, please go to
www.takethetownhallstowashington.comHere's the idea:
Speaker Pelosi fears the unfriendly reception members of Congress who support Obamacare will receive when they return home in April at the Easter recess. In order to avoid forcing members of Congress to listen to their constituents at home, which might stop the bill, Speaker Pelosi is accelerating the process. She wants to force the House to vote up or down on Obamacare before the Easter recess.
If members of Congress won't come to their constituents, their constituents will come to them.
That's why we're launching "Take the Town Halls to Washington" on March 9, and we will keep this project going until March 31, 2010, or whenever Congress leaves for Easter recess.
The idea is to bring a tea party town hall to the 66 members of the House of Representatives whose support of Obamacare is wavering. We want to let them know there is only one vote their constituents will support: No on Obamacare. We are asking local tea party activists to travel to Washington during this period, and make sure that each of these 66 members is reminded every day that if they fail to vote against Obamacare, they will be voted out of office in November.
Bring your video cameras!
Here's the list of 66 members of Congress we intend to inform of their constituents' wishes each day they are in Washington from March 9 to March 31, 2010:
Rep. Michael Arcuri, New York 24th
Rep. John Boccieri, Ohio, 16th
Rep. Allen Boyd, Florida, 2nd
Rep. Christopher Carney, Pennsylvania, 16th
Rep. Gerald "Gerry" Connolly, Virginia, 11th
Rep. Henry Cuellar, Texas 28th
Rep. Steve Driehaus, Ohio, 1st
Rep. Chet Edwards, Texas, 17th
Rep. Brad Ellsworth, Indiana, 8th
Rep. Bob Etheridge, North Carolina, 2nd
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Arizona, 8th
Rep. Deborah "Debbie" Halvorson, Illinois, 11th
Rep. Paul W. Hodes, New Hampshire, 2nd
Rep. Jay Inslee, Washington, 1st
Rep. Paul Kanjorski, Pennsylvania, 11th
Rep. Marcy Kaptur, Ohio, 9th
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, Arizona, 1st
Rep. Ron Klein, Florida, 22nd
Rep. Suzanne Kosmas, Florida, 24th
Rep. Jim Langevin, Rhode Island, 2nd
Rep. Stephen Lynch, Massachusetts, 9th
Rep. Daniel B. Maffei, New York, 25th
Rep. Ed Markey, Massachusetts, 7th
Rep. Alan B. Mollohan, West Virginia, 1st
Rep. Glenn C. Nye III, Virginia, 2nd
Rep. Tom Perriello, Virginia, 5th
Rep. Gary Peters, Michigan, 9th
Rep. Nick Rahall, West Virginia, 3rd
Rep. Laura Richardson, California, 37th
Rep. Ciro Rodriguez, Texas 23rd
Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, Maryland, 2nd
Rep. Linda Sanchez, California, 39th
Rep. Kurt Schrader, Oregon, 5th
Rep. David Scott, Georgia, 13th
Rep. Adam Smith, Washington, 9th
Rep. Peter Visclosky, Indiana, 1st
Rep. David Wu, Oregon, 1st
Rep. John Adler, New Jersey 3rd
Rep. Jason Altmire, Pennsylvania 4th
Rep. Brian Baird, Washington 3rd
Rep. John Barrow, Georgia 12th
Rep. Melissa Bean, Illinois 8th
Rep. Marion Berry, Arkansas 1st
Rep. Rick Boucher, Virginia 9th
Rep. Dennis Cardoza, California 18th
Rep. Travis Childers, Mississippi 1st
Rep. Jim Costa, California 20th
Rep. Artur Davis, Alabama 7th
Rep. Joe Donnelly, Indiana 2nd
Rep. Parker Griffith, Alabama 5th
Rep. Baron Hill, Indiana 9th
Rep. Steve Kagen, Wisconsin 8th
Rep. Daniel Lipinski, Illinois 3rd
Rep. Jim Marshall, Georgia 8th
Rep. Jim Matheson, Utah 2nd
Rep. Michael E. McMahon, New York 13th
Rep. Michael Michaud, Maine 2nd
Rep. Harry Mitchell, Arizona 5th
Rep. Collin C. Peterson, Minnesota 7th
Rep. Mike Ross, Arkansas 4th
Rep. Ike Skelton, Missouri 4th
Rep. Bart Stupak, Michigan 1st
Rep. Gene Taylor, Mississippi 4th
Rep. Bart Gordon, Tennessee 6th
Rep. John Tanner, Tennessee 8th
If you want to be part of this project, you can sign up here:
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