20 years ago I read his father's Killer Angels, and I knew that I would someday write historical fiction about America.
I've patterned my writing on the Shaara style. It's a style that works for Shaara, but for a new writer may take a bit of explaining. That's what the numbers at the top of this post describe.
Nine characters, 40 chapters, divided into three parts in The Rising Tide.
The numbers at the top of this post show the number of chapters devoted to each of the nine characters, listed in order of their appearance in the book.
Shaara's The Rising Tide: 1-9-1-10-7-1-4-5-2 in three parts.
Leahy's Fort Desperate: 3-17-14-15-4-3-4-2-1-1-1-1 in six parts.
Will it work ?
Stay tuned.
2 days 23 hours and counting
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Your chapter analysis looks like what I do to prevent the "second act sag" and the "rushing to the end" phenomena that newer writers tend to do.
Your synopsis trauma sounds familiar and will never end...trust me...even with an agent I have to create them for each novel. I find that the more I have a handle on what the novel is about- the clearer and shorter the synopsis is.
I cannot emphasize enough how "shorter is better." You do not have to tell the whole story but the compelling reason why it should be read.
At this point I have about 20 beta readers all over the country and including France and Canada...I can always use one more!!! I'll address this again in my blog!
Oh, and one final note. My agent (and she is a good one from a big agency) thinks blogs are great-If you're not a wacko - it allows an agent to informally meet you. That is how she uses mine.
Thanks for leaving your note.
Would love to be one of your beta readers. My email is mike@michaelpatrickleahy.com .
Hawaii, huh ?
Tough life.
I have a feeling I should know your work.
But your blog offers few hints.
Do I need a new clue gun ?
Just had this clue gun hit me over the head.
JMHO is not a name
Just My Humble Opinion
There is now coffee all over my keyboard...thanks
I am happy to see that you have another blogger besides myself and the Japanese gal (how in the world did she stumble onto your blog sIte? One of life's great mysteries.)
I was thinking about your book and the number of characters it has. It brought to mind a book I read many years ago called, "The Quincunx" by Charles Palliser. Very Charles Dickens, only ( as much as I love Charles Dickens!) better. It is 1200 pages long and full of HUNDREDS of characters ( the author kindly provides a character index so when Mr. So and So reappears 400 pages later you can flip to it to remember who the heck he is.) It is set in 19th century London and full of twists and turns. I couldn't put it down. I have read it twice. I have the urge the read it again now.... thank you very much. No clean laundry or meals now faces my helpless family. I will be hopelessly lost in London.
Can you imagine Palliser's query or synopsis?
Have a great day!
12 characters in the book -- 80 per cent of the book deals with the 3 main characters.
The query letter focuses only on Andre (250 words) and the synposis (750 words) focuses only on Banks, Andre, and Taylor.
You should read something by Shaara, see how he pulls it off, then read my work, then tell me how they are different or similar.
Sounds like a great idea! I shall make a pilgramage to the holy shrine of Borders (or Barnes) as soon as laundry is complete. Oh! and dinner... but then that's IT. I love words, not cooking and cleaning. Why, I will read the Thesaurus just for the fun of it!
Sounds like a great idea! I shall make a pilgramage to the holy shrine of Borders (or Barnes) as soon as laundry is complete. Oh! and dinner... but then that's IT. I love words, not cooking and cleaning. Why, I will read the Thesaurus just for the fun of it!
why do I keep posting twice? Must engage brain.
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