Saturday, June 20, 2009

Letterman Sends a Message: I'll Tell a Joke about Sarah Palin Any Time I Want

Last night David Letterman told us exactly what he thinks of the Movement. Our purpose is to persuade CBS to hold Mr. Letterman to the same standard of accountability for the offensive comments he made about Sarah Palin and her daughters that they held Don Imus to for his offensive comments a few years ago.

Remember, Don Imus made the offensive comments, apologized, and after the apology CBS fired him. We think CBS did the right thing then.

Mr. Letterman has apologized to Governor Palin and her daughters, and the Governor has accepted the apology. Many in the mainstream media think this closes the book on the issue.

We don't, and have mounted a very successful campaign to get advertisers to drop sponsorship of Letterman.

We can count 3 advertisers so far that have dropped him, and one that may have dropped him.

Off the Letterman sponsorship list now:

(1) Hellman's
(2) Embassy Suites
(3) Southwest Airlines

Off the Letterman sponsorship list, for now at least, in addition, is the Olive Garden Restaurant chain, though we are awaiting word from them as to whether they are dropping him temporarily, permanently, or until Letterman is held more accountable by CBS.

In his monologue last night, David Letterman sent us a message.

He told a joke about Sarah Palin.

The joke was par for the course for Mr. Letterman, about men dressing up like the Governor in a parade. The joke itself was not of the kind he told earlier, the one that launched this entire episode.

But it struck me that Mr. Letterman and his writers made a very conscious decision to include a joke about Governor Palin last night.

Why, I wonder, didn't he think it might make more sense to simply not refer to the Governor at all in his show for awhile? After all, he delivered his second "heartfelt and sincere apology" only 4 days ago.

My personal thoughts on the matter are as follows.

Mr. Letterman was sending us a message, and the message was as follows:

You can protest and try and boycott my advertisers all you want. I don't care. I'll tell any kind of joke I want about Sarah Palin any time I want.

If my assesment is correct, it's only a matter of time before Mr. Letterman crosses the line yet again. All the more reason for to continue our efforts to boycott Mr. Letterman's sponsors.

Up next in our boycott efforts: Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg's, and several more !


Anonymous said...

this is pathetic, I have never seen something so ridiculous get so blown out of proportion

Anonymous said...

Just read your condition about blog author approval...Million bucks says my comment never sees this site...small people don't like others critizing them

Anonymous said...

Imus got fired for making a joke in bad taste; why is Letterman any different? Jamie Fox attacked Miley Cyrus (He was only "joking" he said, that's his job as a comedian). Grown men should NOT be allowed to make fun of children in any way shape or form. Maybe that's why young girls & boys are hanging them selves from all the bullying getting out of hand in schools. The adults of the world are making it seem like it's acceptable to make fun of them.

Anonymous said...

Get over it. Respect the 1st amendment and let it go.

Anonymous said...

If you want to hurt CBS, boycott Showtime- they are dependent on its cash flow.

Anonymous said...

Get Rush Limbaugh's hate spewing show off the air, then come talk to us about Letterman. People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones. I'm going on every one of the advertisers you listed on your site as STILL using the Late Show to promote their products and sending out a letter in SUPPORT of Mr. Letterman. So thanks for gathering that list...copy/paste/copy/paste!

Anonymous said...

You are so far off the mark with this line of attack on Letterman! I don't think he's a saint. He admitted himself that sometimes in an effort to get a laugh he (or his writers) say something they later wish they hadn't. But for goodness sake, the man has been on TV for what, 30 years, and this is the thing you want him fired over? Your argument that he told another Palin joke in order to "tell any kind of joke I want about Sarah Palin any time I want" is putting words in his mouth that contradict what the man himself has said on his show. This latest joke he told shows that a lesson has been learned and he and his writers are making an effort to not cross that line again. That’s something less decent human beings deserving of being fired wouldn’t bother to do, but Letterman is not that kind of guy. This whole thing started because two jokes that involved the Palins’ visit to New York were interpreted by the Palins and their supporters as being about the Palins when in fact the butt of the jokes were Elliot Spitzer and Alex Rodriguez. That is a fact and one that has been totally lost in this effort by opportunists like you who want to destroy the career of a decent man because you disagree with his politics. Face it; Don Imus made a racial slur to a group of innocent college athletes. It's not the same as Letterman's admittedly crude joke that should have been tempered and delivered much more carefully but was in the end not about the Palins or their daughters. Imus’ comment was off the cuff and revealed something in his mind that CBS would rightly not accept. Letterman admits he wrongly offended the Palin daughters, but the jokes were not on them! If they had been, I highly doubt Letterman would have let them on his cue cards. Even if you are successful in this effort, your results would be shameful, wrongheaded and misguided. When it comes to the mistreatment of young girls by adult men, Letterman is not the problem. It would be better for young women everywhere if you devoted this much effort to defending them in other ways than trying to get Letterman fired.

Anonymous said...

This sirte and it's premise is a joke....and NEVER anywhere did Letterman say anything about Palin's 14 year old daughter.

Leave it to a bunch of simpletons to point the finger in that direction....people like this are a bigger issue than a cheap joke by Letterman!!

Scott-70 said...

It is time Letterman and anyone else with his access to the media pay for the doble standard of saying anything, no matter how distasteful about anyone with a conservitive view. Imagine the outcry and immediate fireing if the "joke" were about Obamaa's kids. Liberals are scared to death of Gov. Palin beceause they know she is right and can cause them much grief.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you people supposed to be having another huge protest rally today? I'll look for you on the nightly network news.

And, you really must get a life!

Anonymous said...

David Letterman should be able "to tell a joke about Sarah Palin any time [he wants]." I can't believe that anyone would want to imply otherwise.

Yes, his joke was tasteless, and it wasn't funny, either. But I don't believe that Letterman meant to endorse the rape of 14-year-olds, which is a ridiculously reaching interpretation of a joke obviously aimed at the Palins' predicament with Bristol.

The public knows all about Bristol's out-of-wedlock pregnancy, thanks to Sarah's choice to run for VP and particularly because Sarah trotted Bristol out to campaign for abstinence -- even after Bristol made comments at year's end about the ineffectiveness of abstinence-only birth control education. For that matter, the Palin parents' attacks on Levi Johnston only elevated public awareness of their family problems.

All of Sarah's public wranglings over Bristol's pregnancy show the critical difference between the Imus commentary and this joke. Imus brought up the issue of race, out of nowhere, and hurled racial epithets directly at young women who were only excelling at playing basketball. Letterman's joke addressed this very public family's difficulties with the issue of teen pregnancy, an issue that Palin has apparently embraced as part of her political portfolio. (Apparently our fighting men and women are also worth mentioning at every opportunity. ;) )

The author's point seems to be to support censorship and retaliation. I imagine that Sarah could shut down if she wanted to. Based on her own joke during an intro of SNL when she threatened to shut the show down, and now this episode, it seems to me that she is no friend of the First Amendment -- and that is the main reason I would not want her in public office.

Michael Patrick Leahy said...

To Anonymous:

Sarah Palin has no connection to

Mary said...

It still amazes me that people seem to miss the point. The point that the joke was not about the 14 year old, like that makes the joke okay, still blows me away. It's not ok that it was about the 18 year old either! And I'm sick of how people keep branding Bristol Palin. She made a mistake, admitted it and has tried to reach out and educate other teenage girls NOT to do what she did. I don't think she deserves the jokes either and if she was in Obama's camp, the media talk would label her a hero. Double standard again..but why doesn't that surprise me?

Anonymous said...

You are inviting increased censorship of your own comments and freedom of expression when you spearhead a campaign to censor someone else's. Do we really want to turn up the heat...on ourselves? Letterman is insulated. No all of us are.

Mary said...

One other thing I left out of my post. The amount of people who think that joke was ok alarms me. Is this what our society has become? These must be the same people who believe in taking from those who earned it and give it to those who choose to do nothing.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you use your time and energy to do something to benefit the world, instead of spreading more anger throughout it.

Anonymous said...

Don't talk to me about Palin and other pseudo-conservatives about their corrupted version of 'decency'. You and your ilk are truly embarrasing.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin uses her children as political props. It is hypocritical to parade them across the campaign stage, tells everyone that her unmarried daughter is pregnant, arrange for TV interviews with the single mother & baby advocating for abstinence and insist on privacy at the same time. If Sarah expected privacy for her kids, leave them at home! That way, no one will tell jokes about them. As for Sarah, any public figure in politics, entertainment world, or here on the Web is fair game!

Anonymous said...

Letterman is just a dirty old man and thats not the sad part. Its the society we live in who has accepted this type of low life. Im 43 and Im not shocked by what I see anymore today. I am just saddened that we have lowered our standards so much that it takes a low life like Letterman to attack minors in order to entertain us. Letterman has no soul...and sadly America is losing hers as well. Wake up!

Julian Bray said...

Sarah Palin chose to enter public life and as a result has put her family in the spotlight as well. The Fire Letterman campaign is wrong simply if the so called joke (yes, in bad taste but not that bad..had been left it would have withered and died, now thecampaign is up and running increassing David Lettermnas rating week on week and no doubt many of his writiers will be trying to see how they can keep your campaign going right through the series...publicity is a valuable resource. As for the advertisers affilliates have opt outs and put their own ads in so that's a complete waste of time .

Leave it alone deny the oxygen of publicity, unless of course this is being run by the letterman back stage team.....? GOTCHA!

Anonymous said...

Good work. Keep up the good fight. For those that say the joke wasn't this or wasn't that obviously have no listening skills. To say the subject is Bristol, Elliot, or Alex only shows ones depth of ignorance and drunkendness with the liberal koolaid.

Uncle Silly said...

You facist pigs! Its called the 1st amendment and entertainment. I thought his joke was funny. A-Rods a typical caveman/baseball player that can't keep his johnson locked up and well for the Palins...they can't keep their knees locked up. There ya go!
You freaks should spend more time & effort doing something more constructive...and get a life!

Anonymous said...

yeah you know i was on your side for a while, but this has gotten ridiculous. he apologized. move on. the rest of us have. just because a PR guy at a corporation tells you they are reconsidering buying ads, does not mean that you are winning a crusade against decency.

Anonymous said...

David Letterman is a bitter old man trying to rescue his failing show. The old fool used to think he could have any woman who came on his show. His ego is almost as big as Obama's. I remember when Clare Dane came on Letterman's show and he started hitting on her and asked her out and she told him she was only 15 years old. That's just creepy as hell! The truth is David Letterman should be fired for his attempt at humor. He stopped being funny a long time ago. Now he's just a bitter old liberal hack!

Unknown said...

Here we go!!!
Another weak American trying to change Americas Freedom Of Speech.
David Letterman is and always will be
"A True American Icon", as for you and this sissy blog, well lets see if you last 30+ years being a loser.
Here is a TIP:
Take that FAT Finger you use to point Blame and change the Channel.

Anonymous said...

To Mary:

It was Palin herself who first made political hay over the 14 vs. 18 issue when she fired off the gotcha-note to Letterman that pointed out it was actually Willow in the day's photos. The 14-year-old angle is at the top of the talking points in the fire-Letterman cause. You seem to argue that it shouldn't be, and I would agree with you.

As for the "branding" of Bristol, that's occurring in no small part because of the public messaging she's doing. She is, after all, reminding audiences of her own "mistake" (even though having an out-of-wedlock child at a young age is no kind of crime!) everytime she speaks out on the issue. I don't think she should be doing this work -- it would be far better that she lowers her public profile for now, moves on with her life, develops credibility for other accomplishments, and returns to the issue later. Whether that would be expedient for upcoming political campaigns for Sarah is another matter.

To Mr. Leahy:

Thank you for approving my previous comment, and thank you for your response that there is no connection between Sarah Palin and I have no reason to doubt that, but I do think she would be quite persuasive if she asked the group to focus on something else.

Anonymous said...

You guys really have to get over this. He gave them an apology that he shouldn't even need to! The joke was about his 18 year old daughter and get it? IT WAS A JOKE!

Stop trying to make like you are some sort of power to demand stupid stuff like this.

Go make a name for yourself doing something that matters.

Anonymous said...

God bless Bristol Palin...AT LEAST SHE HAD THE BABY... Therein lies integrity.....where is Mr. letterman's?

Anonymous said...

Who are you? David Letterman does so much good every night he's on the air. Wanna hear a joke?

Sarah Palin

Rush Limbaugh and all you other hate filled conservative idiots.

AM Radio for hosting conservative idiots.

This Blog.

Except these jokes aren't funny like David Letterman.

Kenblog said...

Making a joke about adults is one thing. Making jokes about 14 year-old rape is another. Surely all of you can see that as very classless. People have been fired for less. Let him go. He's getting more and more that way...

Anonymous said...

taking time out to stop this type of harassment and saying that women have a right to be respected is doing something for the world. It didn't matter to me that the joke was addressed to Sarah Palin's daughter as much that it was made about any woman in general. I take offense at the content of the joke itself.

The fact is that even is Letterman and his staff was mistaken about which daughter it was is irrelevant as well. That any child had to go face friends and the media after that comment is horrible.

I think it admirable that even though the older daughter made a mistake but was willing to address in the media the choice and how she has had to overcome and what it means to her future is important to our youth. They see all too much in the media about the lure of sexuality but very little about the consequences of it.

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that people call this filth freedom of speech when these liberals don't seem to realize that Obomination is destroying your freedoms right now AND THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT!!! Sarah Palin is a threat to this takeover of our government and freedoms and that is why the liberals and Letterman attack her and her family. Thank God in heaven for Sarah and her example of being trustworthy of the responsibilites entrusted to her in Alaska. Imagine a public servant that actually is a good steward-we don't have those in Washington. That is why Sarah is so hated by the idiots that write hateful things about her. Go Sarah-we love you! DRILL BABY DRILL!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that many who are spearheading this campaign don't see how hypocritical it is to condemn someone for their perceived political views and attack them (and/or their family) out of the blue, and yet fail to see that they're doing this to Letterman is quite similar to what they THINK Letterman did to Palin. And at least Palin's daughter Bristol actually did something to warrant a joke of questionable content. If someone had done a joke about Letterman being too old to have a child a few years back, I'm sure he'd have seen the humor in it. In fact, he did some such jokes himself, I believe.

And yet Bristol, who is an adult now as well as a public figure of her own accord - to a decent extent...can't be criticized "comically" for her poor decision-making skills? THAT ludicrous double standard is what has to end. People keep saying that if a similar thing was said of the Obama girls or whatever, nobody would accept it. Well, I wasn't aware that Malia was 18, known for being an unwed mother, etc.

People fail to recognize that this isn't a political issue. The joke was a matter of the situation related to Bristol's having been an unwed mother and now much of the problem is that Letterman didn't clarify who he was talking about at the time. But even if he had, many would fail to recognize that there's no political agenda behind the statements made. That is not to say it was a good joke. But those blinding themselves to the joke for the sake of making a political statement are more idiotic and out of line than the joke itself.

Anonymous said...

I think Anonymous protests to much!
If you notice most of the comments are from him. Maybe Anonymous should take his own advise and get a life.
The joke was ofensive and David Letterman is an ASS!

Anonymous said...

If you don't agree with the sentiment, then get off this site.

The First Amendment has nothing to do with this. The First Amendment guarantees Letterman his right to be offensive. It only applies to governmental censorship. NOTHING prohibits private citizens from withholding their dollars from people they consider offensive. If you routinely got bad service at a particular restaurant, would you continue to go there?

You're welcome to continue to patronize Letterman's advertisers. I won't, and I'm not only entitled to my opinion, I'm entitled to tell his sponsors WHY I'm not buying their stuff anymore. That's MY First Amendment right.

The "small people" of whom you speak make up this country. I'm proud to be one of them.

Anonymous said...

I have contacted all companies that have dropped Dave and let them know that I will no longer do business with them since they are scared to stand up to you. Of all the crap going on, for you to make an issue out of a bad joke only proves how little you have to do. Now put on your big boy pants and move on to a real issue. Maybe its not too late for you to do something productive with your life.

Anonymous said...

Say what you wish, but his joke was directed at Palin and her Family. The words came from his mouth. If some said this about my family, I'd be in jail for assault. Sorry, but that's just a bold faced verbal assualt on my family whom I happen to love. Is that abnormal?

Anonymous said...

Where do I find a full script of what Letterman had made the joke on Palin's daughter? I can't find it in your blog or the website. I just can't jump my decision with anyone immediately without reading the script first.

Anonymous said...

There are actually several issues going on simultaneously: 1) Should Letterman be held to the same standard as other talk show hosts - namely, Imus, in regards to reflecting the values of the netword and society regarding sex, race, culture and age? 2) Does the First Amendment apply to ALL situations, including minors, politicians, and talk show hosts? 3) Is firing David Letterman the "solution" in regards to protecting our youth from any type of sexual misdeed?
and finally 4) is this website and its efforts strictly a political platform for Leahy and have nothing really to do with Letterman/Palin?
Here are my thoughts: 1) Everyone should be treated fairly and equally according to the LAW. So, should Imus have been fired. What does the law say? Should Letterman be fired? What does legal precedent say?
2) The First Amendment needs to be protected at all costs. I hate what Letterman said. So, I won't EVER watch him again, just like I don't listen to that raunchy Stearns character. However, freedom of speech comes first. Nobody is making me sit there and keep the station dialed in.
3) The issues facing our children today are complex, frightening and hinge more on technological access, desensitization of youth from readily available porn that is unchecked, and Letterman has absolutely NOTHING to do with it.
4) Leahy is definitely using this incident to leverage some financial pain in the direction of CBS in order to level the playing field with the MSM and the three big networds since they are obviously in the pocket of, or are in fear of, the new administration.

Anonymous said...

On another blog, someone wrote that they went thru footage of the entire Yankees game in question, and they could not find a picture of Willow at the game.

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is (figuratively). Please post clear pictures of Willow with her family at the Yankee game in the joke, so there will be absolutely no doubt. (No photoshop'ed pictures, please).

Don said...

Rick said the butts of the jokes were Elliot Spitzer and Alex Rodriguez. I fail to see the connection when the "Top 10 List" was about Palin's trip to NYC. I personally don't think Imus should have been fired for the crude joke he made, but an organizedd boycott of his sponsors would have resulted in the same action by CBS.

The difference is the way in which it is reported and the ideology of the ones making the jokes. I can imagine the outcry if the Palins had been even a moderately-oriented black family.

I listened to the interviews with Sarah Palin and she said, "They can say what they want about me, I can take it. But when Barack Obama says, 'don't go after my family', the media gives him a pass." This is a double standard that I find less than tolerable. Apparently ideology trumps race where "free speech" is concerned. I was concerned about the website overreacting until I visited it, and was reminded of the Imus situation.

No, I don't condone what Imus did, but I support his right to say it about people in the public domain. Letterman made a joke about Sarah Palin's daughter, who is essentially in the public domain because of her mother, and I urge everyone who was offended to use the same tactics as were used against Imus (i.e. boycotting his sponsors) so that his show becomes unprofitable for CBS.

Anonymous said...

Rush should be fired if anyone should be for his degrading comments about our President. For a american citizen to say he hopes the President fails in his efforts to save this country, he should be fired.

What Letterman said wasn't appropriate, but let it go and stop blowing it out of context. He apologized already, go after Rush to get him fired!

Anonymous said...

I'd LOVE to have saw how the majority of the comments would have flipped 180 degrees if Letterman had instead included the name Malia Obama in the joke. Hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

The man apologized! This has gone too far. Yes!! The joke was not a good joke and not done in good taste, but he explained it was not meant for a minor! I understand how Bristol did not go to the game, it was her younger sister that attended so it can be implied it was the young one, but who is the one that actually got "knocked up"? How is David Letterman suppose to know Bristol did not attend the Yankees game!?!!?!?Come on people!! Let it go Louie!!!

Michael Patrick Leahy said...

To the Anonymous Poster Addressing Comments to "Louie":

I am merely writing a little blogpost here with my thoughts about Mr. Letterman's comments last night, Friday, June 19.

It just seemed to me that Mr. Letterman very consciously chose to tell another joke about Governor Palin explicitly for the purpose of sending a message to the world about how he would conduct his program in the future.

And that choice, it seemed to me, was a rather odd choice.

So if you have a comment, please address the point of this blogpost rather than old news.

Anonymous said...

There are far more serious issues to get behind in this world than a joke made in poor taste. Why don't you put your energy into some of those instead? Things like the abolition of child sex trafficking perhaps. Or would that not get you the notice this ridiculous campaign is getting you?

Anonymous said...

By the way, I am boycotting all companies that pull their ads from Letterman or CBS. I have already sent my letter of disgust to Olive Garden and will soon do so for Southwest Airlines, Hellman's, Embassy Suites, etc.

Anonymous said...

Letterman did not apologize for his joke – he apologized about it being misinterpreted. So, it is our fault and we are too stupid to understand his clever humor.
How can anyone say that the former governor of NY and a Yankees player are the real targets of his “joke?” This is insane. If it were true, wouldn’t he have apologized to those two guys?

Anonymous said...

Somebody here said "Letterman has no soul."

I will tell you one thing; I believe David Letterman has more soul than most. I believe he genuinely cares about people. During the writers' strike in 2007, Letterman paid his entire staff out of his own pocket...the "entire" staff, not just the writers.

People make a bunch of nonsense out of the "slutty flight attendant" joke; however, earlier this year, David Letterman hosted Captain Sullenberger and 2 or 3 of his flight attendants on his show. Letterman showed them nothing but respect.

People have said that if Letterman joked about someone we like, then we wouldn't think it's funny. Granted, in recent years, Letterman has shown that he is liberal; however, 10 years after the fact, Letterman still makes jokes about Bill Clinton and his escapades in the White House....I like Bill Clinton, but I think Letterman's jokes about him are funny.

Anonymous said...

Mary said....that people are missing the point, if they say the joke was about the 18 year old instead of the 14 year old.

Perhaps, but the fact of the matter is, Sarah Palin said the joke was about the 14 year old. It is clear to most rational people it was about the 18 year old. Does that make it ok? Assume that it does not make it ok....and Letterman basically said it was not ok. While it is not ok, the fact remains that Palin herself claimed it was about the 14 year old...implying that the joke was far worse, and giving her credibility in the eyes of some that the joke was about statutory rape. While some may think it is ok if the joke was about the 18 year old, many are upset that Palin's (fake) viewpoint is that he joked about statutory rape. Yes, his joke was tasteless regardless of which girl it was about, but Letterman was not joking about statutory rape. Those accusing him of such are just as bad as what they claim Letterman to be.

anastasia khramova said...

U guys are jerks. Leave Letterman alone. I don't know what he said nore do I care for now. Why ruin his career and life when he apolligized and she accepted it. I'll try to bring this website down. And I will somehow let Letterman know about this website.

Anonymous said...

A few on this blog are bashing liberals for supporting Dave. It should be noted that a number of Republicans on cable, like Democrats and liberals, are saying that Dave's jokes crossed the line; but these same Republicans are also saying that Sarah Palin is milking this for all it's worth and that she went too far. She did not behave like someone who might run for POTUS. Note that the Obamas have not said one thing about that S. Carolina Republican who called Michelle a relative of a gorilla. Yes, it was right for Palin to be upset and angry at Dave, but she dragged it on too long, as have the supporters of the Fire David Letterman movement.

Anonymous said...

I say fire him, his writers and director of this poor excuse of entertainment.
Dave is nothing more than an ugly, old, perverted Marxist participating in the dumbing-down of anyone dumb enough to watch him.
He strives to belittle anyone better than him.

Also, see this video.

Anonymous said...

Boy, I hope Letterman gets fired. Letterman is no better that Imus.

Anonymous said...

Get a life!

Anonymous said...

Letterman is always in poor taste and drags vile issues into the face of the public in the name of comedy. This isn't any more about the Palins than the holocost was about one individual who died there. A 14yo girl was hurt by this "joke?" and will continue to suffer from the words of bullies because Letterman was completely unempathetic to her. He is such a total ass, not even the guests on his show like him. It is a well know fact that many celebrities are afraid of being a taarget of his obnoxious attempts at humor. This is not about the first ammendment, it is about anyone's right to cause premeditated mental anguish to another person or group of people.

Anonymous said...

Well Anonymous, How can you say he wasn't talking about her 14 yr old daughter when she was the one at the ball game with her, not the other daughter, not her husband, not a friend, HER 14 YR OLD DEAUGHTER WAS WITH HER at the game, so how can the joke not be directed at her? It might as well have been directed at J Edgar Hoover when he wwas dressed as a female! Come ON, those lame excusses just don't cut it. He new very well who he was refferring to they discusses the joke before the show with the writers over oand over, did they decide not to mention Willow by name so in the future they could come up with this sad excuss that it was the 18 yr old they were referring to? Give me a freakin break.

Anonymous said...

Please just stop this. Letterman said sorry, get over it. He's not going anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Let Letterman send whatever message he wants. And he certainly should not be fired because he made one crass statement. He should be fired because (imho)he's just not that good at his job. But what do I know? I stopped watching his show years ago.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I think this is great! All the "We can dish it out - but we can't take it..." pseudo-highbrow Letterman defenders doing their usual "You're so pathetic!" dog and pony show.

That's a sure sign ol' Dave's being damaged far, far more than he wants to admit.

Keep up the good work! As those advertisers keep deserting, just maybe a powerful lesson is gonna hit home about being a MEAN SPIRITED JERK.

ED in Iowa said...

How come everybody supporting letterman don't have the guts to post names. Where would they stand if the joke was about obamas kids. The person making that joke wouldn't have stayed on the air thru the whole show. And new rules like the democRATS are pushing for censorship of the radio airwaves would be passed the next day in congress

laace said...

David Letterman says he is going to still tell jokes about Sarah Palin? He is sicker than I thought. I am going to email, phone, boycott, etc these sponsors and spread the word to everyone I meet. We will see that pervert David Letterman off the air and anyone else who attacks children and women!

Anonymous said...

You do realize the Friday shows are taped on Mondays, right? you know so little, I thought I should point that out. Mr. Letterman has every right to tell jokes about Sarah Palin. So does Conan, so did Leno, so did SNL and I don't recall any pseudo-outrage.

Anonymous said...

The only answer to David Letterman is the boycotts. It is absolutely our ONLY recourse, a good one however, if we stay united and firm and patient. We should not expect CBS to apologize to us. CBS hates us and they hate Gov. Palin. I truly believe Katie Couric and David Letterman have a pact to crucify Gov. Palin whenever and however possible or CBS has a pact with itself and these two people are their frontmen for doing so.

So keep us updated with the sponsors list at this website. I check this website daily to follow progress.

The crucifixion of Gov. Sarah Palin MUST STOP. Enough already. She lost her election for Vice-President. It that not enough for the people of CBS??? I plan to boycott the whole network as long as David Letterman is on that network.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry but sarah palin is a cry baby. she demanded an apology which she got, and rejected, forcing david letterman into a second apology. and omg she accepted that time . his joke on friday night was about gays dressing up as palin... oh well that could be a some might see that as a compliment. even though she is a "cry baby" i think she is a beautiful woman, but sarah should get over herself... she ain't all that...

Dave's fan Dave said...

Apparently Mr. Leahy didn't like what I said in an earlier comment. He probably won't put this one on either. To ED in Iowa, I'm defending Dave and I put my name on this. Also, a lot of anonymous against Dave. You need to read them, if you can read!!! I'll also boycott and write letters and emails to any group/company that pulls advertising from Letterman. As I said in an earlier post, conservatives aren't the only people/organizations that spend money. However, thus far the boycott has resulted in a pretty paltry outcome. For a nationwide effort, three companies, two of which don't even advertise on Dave's show and one company only waffling. Lot of smoke and not much fire. What a joke!!! To Mr. Leahy regarding your post relating what Dave said on his 19 June show, OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO TELL JOKES ABOUT PALIN, she and her family have and will continue to provide lots of fodder for the talk show and stand up comedians, so get used to it.

Anonymous said...

David Letterman's comments were not funny and they were not a joke. They were vile and vicious and totally unacceptable.

Letterman's first apology was not an apology; it was a further insult and Letterman still hasn't apologized for the slutty stewardess comment.

Don Imus was fired for an off the cuff remark after he made many sincere apologies. David Letterman's "joke" was scripted and selected by Letterman for inclusion on his show. Letterman's offense was much worse than Imus's because it was deliberate and was not followed by a sincere apology.

How much longer do advertisers want to tarnish their brand by associating their brand with sleezy old men like David Letterman,who becomes ever more bitter with every show? I can't believe that Kellog still wants to be associated with him.

The sooner CBS fires him the better. His rating are poor; this is the perfect opportunity for CBS to get rid of him.

Anonymous said...

this is why America is and messed up as it is, i dont think lettermen was addressing Palin's 14 year old daughter i think he was adressing the one that was already knocked up, if lettermen were black this be no problem get over it people he gets paid to make people laugh

Anonymous said...

How much is CBS/Paramount/Showtime paying to post all of these nearly identical comments on this blog?

Will this come out of the 10 Billion Dollar bailout from us taxpayers that CBS will soon need?

Anonymous said...

I haven't watch Letterman for years, but thanks to you I am watching him now. You probably made his ratings go up. That is the way of getting Letterman off the air, by promoting his show.

Anonymous said...

Could you imagine if anyone made a comment of any kind about the daughter of our President -- if anyone looked at her cross eyed, it would be all over for that career. So made for fairness and equality.

nancy said...

Looks like you are afraid of what I wrote earlier,I will try aain, Mr. Defender of freedom. The show that Letterman airs on Fridays is taped on Mondays, you know nothing about the show or chose to ignore it. Leno and Conan also made jokes about Bristol Palin and older men. Why are you not suggesting they be fired as well? Don't expect to see this, I know it makes too uch sense.

Anonymous said...

The 1st amendment is to be honored. Taking pot shots at a politician's policies is one thing, however, making crude and inappropriate comments about children and/or women should be weighed carefully by the comedians and the media. David Letterman's comments about Willow Palin went way over the line. I do not think that removing Letterman from the air is the wrong thing for CBS to do. Letterman needs to retire from broadcasting.

Anonymous said...

GoXd Morning:

I wrote to CBS Ceo and all the rest there with email addresses.

I wrote to the given emails for advertisers AND their advertisign agency.

I worked for The Wall Street Journal. I know that companies have companies and procedures for this kind of thing.

Letterman thinks he can do anything he wants. Cbs should be sued and so should he.

Letterman must be a misogynist. He hates women. He denigrates them.

This is political .... he has been after her for some time.

Making a mother fair game and her young daughter is a travesty.

I am sad to see this happen in my country.

Palin's daughter will live with his humiliation of her for a long time...needless pain.

Judy Laughton Lilley, M.A., LPC

Anonymous said...

Letterman is a bully.

Anonymous said...

I consider David letterman to be a "two-faced" BIG-mouthed pervert. He is suppose to be an ADULT,yet he thinks he can make SICK jokes about a 17 year old that has a baby "out-of-wedlock" [Bristol] when HE got a woman pregnant and they were NOT married. Talk about the "pot calling the kettle BLACK". So, where does he "get-off" at judging others?? And to imply that A.Rod should "impregnate" Willow Palin a 14 [fourteen year old] that was at the ballgame with her mother is VILE,DISGUSTING,and WRONG !! Since when has his VIEWS of anyone`s LQQKS been important enough to be called "entertainment"?? And "taking pot-shots" at Sarah Palin`s LQQKS by calling her appearance "looking like a SLUTTY airline stewardess" is neither HUMOR or COMICAL. If anything is a SICK JOKE it is LETTERMAN---trying to be FUNNY---and doesn`t realise that HE-IS-THE-HAS-BEEN-WASHED-UP-J-O-K-E !!

Anonymous said...

The 1st amendment is to be honored. Taking pot shots at a politician's policies is one thing, however, making crude and inappropriate comments about children and/or women should be weighed carefully by the comedians and the media. David Letterman's comments about Willow Palin went way over the line. I do not think that removing Letterman from the air is the wrong thing for CBS to do. Letterman needs to retire from broadcasting.

Anonymous said...

david letterman is the man..keep makin pailin jokes!

Anonymous said...

I commend these sponsors for taking a stand. In my opinion, to make jokes about sexual assault about ANY gender group, or ANY age group sends the message that sexual assault is something to be taken lightly and can be laughed about on national television. Letterman has the freedom to joke about Palin any way he wants but the joke was about sexual assault and was used to denigrate her by using her daughter. Would he have joked that way about the President's daughters? I think not. IMO, Letterman has lost sight of how to perform his job to the best of his abilities; and he has lost his sense of civility.

Sue Beers said...

I find it very telling how many of the posters who think nothing was wrong with what Letterman "joked" about won't even give their names (they post as "anonymous". What a bunch of cowards!

It is indeed sad that so many people in this country today have such bad taste and poor judgement as to say that they don't see anything is wrong in slandering young women. For David Letterman to think that saying "if I offended anyone" and "I'll try to do better", is an apology just shows the shallowness of the man.

Freedom has a price, and what people do and say carries a certain amount of responsibility.

I applaud this Web site and what you are trying to do to get rid of a lechrous old man who makes a living out of slandering young women and thinking that a half-hearted apology will get him out of this mess.

May God bless the sponsors who have pulled their ads. I will be using their services and buying their products, and I will let them know why.

Gary said...

Liberals are such loons!

Don Imus was fired by CBS for a heck of a lot less.

Imus' remarks were off the cuff, unrehearsed, and spontaneous. Were they bad, well, yeah, but it was just an off the cuff moment.

On the other hand, these so called "jokes" where that scumbag Letterman called Sarah Palin a slut, talked about the rape of her 14 year old daughter (THE ONE WHO WAS WITH SARAH ON THE TRIP) as well as the "joke" calling her 14 year old daughter a whore the next night were different.

First off, these "jokes" were written in advance. NOT off the cuff, like Imus'. So a team of "writers" had to OK. Them. Then Letterman had to OK them. THEN CBS' Standards and Practices had to APPROVE them. THEN, they were rehearsed!

Through all of those steps, no one at CBS or Letterman's bunch had the common decency to think going after a 14 year old girl, talking about raping her, or calling her a whore was a bad thing!

CBS should be boycotted, in total, all advertisers, and all shows, period!

What would you liberal loons think if we all started calling Michelle Obama a slut on a daily basis, and referred to her daughters as whores, and made jokes about them being raped?

Why do I think the reaction would be different?

I mean you losers call people racist just for disagreeing with that communist Chicago street thug, Obama!

Oh, and this is NOT a free speech issue. The First Amendment has absolutely NOTHING to do with this. I realize liberals have absolutely no idea what is in the Constitution, but the First Amendment is all about protecting the citizens from the GOVERNMENT.

And the government violates the First Amendment pretty regularly. Crimes for "hate speech" are unconstitutional. As are "hate crimes" laws in general. A crime is a crime.

And for you loons that fall for Letterman's lie about him meaning Bristol, the 18 year old. Seriously, it's OK to "joke" about raping an 18 year old?


Wow, it just goes to show you what filth liberals are!

I hope the Fire David Letterman movement never, ever stops, until Letterman is GONE!

I hope Micheal will go after Rahal-Letterman racing and their sponsors as well.

This is just the first battle. All of the filthy liberals need to be shut down, and put out of business!

Anonymous said...

This statement came from this blog and it was made by an American? "Sarah Palin is a threat to this takeover of our government and freedoms and that is why the liberals and Letterman attack her and her family". Dont you people in the US have elections? Did the people not vote for the Dems? How then can you say it was a 'takeover'? You Republicans are as crazy and pathetic as our Canadian Conservatives! I cant believe with all the problems facing your country you choose to focus on a latenight TV joke. I guess you think it will take the focus off of the mess you made of your country and the world. Republicans should be banned from running for office as should our conservatives. You're only in it for what you can gain personally and what you can rip off the innocent public. You are all crooks and will rot in hell.

Anonymous said...

Republicans are the most hatefull, grudge holding, mean spirited, self ritious hipocrates on the planet! Well if you dont count canadian conservatives. they are neck and neck!

Anonymous said...

Boycott FOX News ( I use the term news lightly cause its really propaganda)!!!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, MPL! No one has the right to free speech if it involves making a sexual joke about a child, regardless of age. If its sexual and involves children it isn't free speech, its abusive speech. Adults should be reminded that their words to and about children can and too often do cause real and lasting pain.

It is time that our mainstream media ceases to practice of its double standard. Treat
Conservative subjects with the same respect that is given to Liberal subjects. Had Letterman or Limabaugh said anything even mildly sexual about the Obama girls, there rightly would have been hell to pay. Children and politically silent or distant spouses should be considered hands off.

Anonymous said...

Disgusting out of touch republicans.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you heard of Freedom of Speech. Get a clue moron. And I'm a republican. Now go "F" yourself. How 'bout them apples!?

Jason Smith said...

It's amazing so many people leave comments without attaching their name to it. If you are going to big enough to make statements, be big enough to admit who you are.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Mr. Letterman said that, " He will tell a joke about Michelle, Sasha and Malia any time he wants ", Would the network keep him on the air.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for Letterman to tell a joke about Obama. The fact that he seems to only single out a certain group (conservatives) and fails to target some of his liberal pals, makes all those past jokes about Bush less funny. He has his own political agenda in his "jokes". Dave used to be funny. He's gotten mean in his old age.

JoeCollins said...

I can't find an email address for Kellogg. Anyone have a good email addy for them?

Richard Hardagain said...

Well...looks like i wont seemy post here. I guess i should have toned it down a bit ...about what i thought of this board! LMAO!

kenn said...

If "intelligent" people can be convinced to vote for a "comedian" like Al Franken to represent them in DC, then ANY thing apparently goes. The apocalypse must be very, very near; the 4 horsemen:

Jamie Fox

Al Franken

David Letterman


Jason Smith said...

FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Explain that argument. It makes no sense.

Letterman has his freedom of speech. Those who do not like what he said have their freedom of speech. The beauty of America ... stand up for what you believe in and do something about it.

Even those who do not think people should protest Letterman surely do not want their right to protest to be taken from them. Or do you?

Anonymous said...

You Michael Patrick Leahy, are an idiot. And guess what. I can say this. 1st ammendmant pal. So David Letterman can say what he wants as well. Unless you think you are mightier than the constitution of the United States, then get a grip on your pitiful life and move on. Instead of being yet another of the extremist activists like PETA.

Anonymous said...

Letterman really doesn't need to make jokes about Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin herself is a joke.

It's an embarassment to our nation that such an immature, ignorant, ill-educated hypocrite is one of our governors. Maybe if she spent more time with her family and less time out promoting herself, her children would be better protected and less likely to get themselves into situations that could potentially open them up to criticism.

Anonymous said...

i didn't think Imus should be fired and I don't think Letterman should be fired. what i do think is that many people make that decision based on the political views of the speaker rather than the content, what a warped view of the first amendment, who would give one a pass here and not the other

Anonymous said...

Why haven't I seen ANYTHING about a response from A-ROD?? Is HE okay with all of this?

Anonymous said...

The more people like David Letterman bash Sarah Palin, the more we should actually be happy. Because I KNOW they are very, very afraid of Sarah Palin and everything she stands for.

It is actually enjoyable to see the libs squirm and get uncomfortable when they see someone as bright and beautiful as Sarah Palin! Their only defense is to bash her with the classless humor. Look at Saturday Night Live? If they didn't feel so threatened by Palin, they wouldn't have launched their huge Tina Fey routine to the degree that they did.

But I think real Americans are the wiser and they see/know what this is all about. It's about hatred for what is RIGHT, and I mean RIGHT in every sense of the word!

I wouldn't worry too much about Letterman. His days of being funny were over a long time ago...why do you think he was so desperate to get publicity! His lame attempt at putting Sarah Palin down was strictly a ratings ploy. Period. And anyone with a brain knows that.

Meg said...

Seriously, firing someone over politics in ridiculous. Firing a comedian over his jokes is just stupid. Most comedians make jokes about everyone and everything. Sitting on my porch, my friends and I do the same thing. I'm a Palin supporter, but a funny joke is a funny joke and it's sole purpose is to entertain, not influence the political minds of people.

Anonymous said...

The effort put into this would be better used going after the people who are actually out there raping young girls. I think it's a shame that people are so quick to be the judge, jury and executioner of anyone who makes a statement, comment or joke that they don't agree with. I can say with 100% certainty that NOBODY in thier lifetime has not done or said anything that would appall or offend somebody. Whether done intentionally or not. Whatever happened to sticks and stones make break my bones? Get a life, get a hobby or something! I served in the military to protect or rights and freedoms. The 1st ammendment right being one of them. I am also going to use your list and send a comment to each of the advertisers in support of Letterman. Why? Let he is without sin cast the first stone.

Jason Smith Jr. said...

Letterman didn't name which Palin daughter he was joking about, so most of you are only assuming that his joke was about willow.

Letterman never said, "I'll tell a joke about Sarah Palin any time I want", that is simply Mr. Leahy assuming that is what Letterman meant. Is Sarah Palin suddenly off limits to comedians?

There's an equal number of anonymous comments against Letterman as there are for Letterman. So, if I call myself Darth Vader, is that better than anonymous? What a joke.

What about the millions of people who support Letterman and the companies who advertise during his show? Their voices and opinions don't matter I guess.

Anonymous said...

If joking about politics is off-limits, then we're becoming more like Iran and North Korea, and less like the nation Jefferson envisioned. I'd prefer that we endure occasional tasteless jokes, rather than move in the direction of censorship. If you don't like Letterman, change the channel.

Letterman's 'joke' plainly wasn't funny, but to mount a concerted effort to destroy his livelihood, along with that of all of his staff, writers, cameramen, editors, et. al., is both short-sighted and mean-spirited, traits which have cost the right wing dearly in the past few elections.

I intend to write and boycott the companies that drop Letterman from their advertising, and I invite every right-thinking American to join me. Come on America! Stand up for free speech!

Anonymous said...

These "conservatives radicals" are pathetic. They don't get over McCain-Palin failure. They should be grateful Palin is getting some attention because if Letterman doesn't mention them once in a while they would be completely forgotten in their caves. Get a life! Your time has passed. W is out!!!!

Anonymous said...

Obama '12!

sonshe said...

No sense of humor Sarah? What about freedom of speech? The only thing you are doing is making David Letterman more popular. Kind of defeats the purpose don't you think? Ever try just keeping your mouth shut? I don't think that will ever happen. Still bitter over the election?

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm just curious about, what these, "oh whats wrong with the joke, critics posting on this Site, would feel ...or how the media would handle it ...if lets say,
someone said the same thing...
about one of the Obama girls?
yeah thats right
stick that in your back pocket.
As a parent, with young daughters myself, this isnt a dem /reb deal, to meat all, it's about children.

Anonymous said...

Get over it! It was a joke. Olive Garden pulled their ads? Well I go to Olive Garden once a week, sometimes twice! So I will go elsewhere. Letterman has alot of fans. Most likely more than Palin. Is that really smart to pull your ads? You don't see anyone else crying over being made fun of like Sarah Palin. She has to make a huge deal out of something that is so small.

Anonymous said...

Why is it when a group of Gay, Pro Marriage people in San Diego decide that Mr. Manchaesters FREE SPEECH right does not permit him to contribute to the Pro-Prop 8 Campagn and they decide to protest adn boycott his hotel they are declared hero's and "smart" for using the "market" to decide what is acceptable. But when people on the right threaten to biycott or puch for advertisers to leave the Letterman show, thus using the "market" to determine what they thin is acceptable "free speech" they are roundly crtized.

Clearly both are doing thesame thing.

The difference is that in the minds of liberals it is right to do what they are doing and wrong to do anything else.

Anonymous said...

Many of you think that David Letterman was implying the rape of a 14-year-old and are now full of self-righteous outrage (being such close friends with the governor). Yes, if Letterman had said it about your family you would be in jail for assault, blah, blah, blah. However, when Governor Palin metaphorically commits rape by deciding to exploit her own child for publicity, you are okay with that because of your agreement with her political philosophy. Honestly, if Sarah Palin really had an issue with an old "pervert", why did she not deal with it privately in order to protect her family from further horrific abuse? I will give her this: the "Barracuda" is ready to do whatever it takes to promote herself, whether it be using her daughter to keep her face on television (why do I keep seeing her on the "liberal" media?) or throwing her 72-year-old decorated war veteran running mate under the "Straight Talk Express". Oh, yes, that's right. John McCain is a closet "liberal" (oooo!!!).

I feel like we've stepped through the looking glass in this country. Everyone's waiting for some reason to start shrieking with faux outrage over such inconsequential nonsense. You want to be manipulated so that you can release the anger that comes from God knows where. Is your life really that bad? Does the fact that someone disagrees with you really hurt you that much?

As far as the Left is concerned, there are complete idiots on that side too. They like to scream about the same sort of ridiculousness that you do for political reasons, not principle. In essence the radical liberals are the same thing as you, just a different flavor of stupidity.

So if you are truly concerned about the plight of young women in OUR country, get your fat butts off the couch, write a check or donate time to an organization that helps with the issues they face. Above all else, PLEASE stop worrying about who is trying to sell breadsticks on some late night comedy show.

Anonymous said...

To those who think Letterman was talking about Palin's youngest daughter, I can only say that that particular perversion is in your mind, not mine. I took the joke to be about Bristol, as did every other American without an ax to grind. That being said, I've rarely found Letterman to be particularly funny, so I don't watch his show. I vote with my clicker, and I suggest you do the same. If Letterman is to be let go, let's do it the right way, by sinking his ratings.

To those who suggest that joking about Obama's children would be somehow the equivalent, I'd point out that Bristol Palin is 18, had a child out of wedlock, and was obviously sexually promiscuous, so there was some rational basis for the joke, crude as it was. Obama's children are 8 and 11, respectively, far younger, and with a far less checkered history. If one of them gets "knocked up", then used in a presidential campaign to promote abstinence, then it'll be OK to joke about them that way.

Mr. Leahy, it's a good thing you have this to write about, because it probably keeps you from being depressed by being part of a dying right wing movement. You people are your own worst enemies, and this misguided crusade is just another example.

Anonymous said...

People are comparing Don Imus' "nappy-headed hos" comment to Letterman's tasteless joke at the expense of Sarah Palin's children. But they're not the same. Imus' remark was a throwaway comment that he probably regretted five seconds after he said it; he apologized promptly and bent over backwards to make amends. Letterman's comment was planned and premeditated, and even with all the outcry, it still took him four days to apologize. That being said, Letterman shouldn't be fired for his remark. (Imus shouldn't have been fired, either.) In America, you don't have the right not to be offended. However, you have EVERY right to boycott sponsors of Letterman's show. To put it quite simply: money talks.

Anonymous said...

Typical Republican outrage: it's OK for Rush and Bill O' to bash whomever they want with nothing but half-baked half truths but, God forbid, someone have the audacity to poke some fun at a Republican/conservative. Letterman has joked about Democrats and Republicans as long as I can remember. Was the joke in bas taste? No doubt. Is the worst thing that's every been said on the air? Far from it. As an earlier poster said, 'Letterman doesn't have to make jokes about Palin, she already is one'. The fact that people are seriously discussing the idea of her running for President if one of the funniest/scariet things I've heard in years. I'm more of the idea that her fifteen minutes have already run out.

Steve - Schenectady said...

The over the top fear that the Liberals Fascists have for Sarah Palin is most refreshing. I haven't seen this much hatred for a person since Reagan or US Senator Joseph McCarthy. I would support Gov. Palin for this reason alone if I didn't genuinely like her as a person of integrity she is by definition a class act the replesents the majority of this country's values.

(For the commentor that called conservatives Facists, the Real Facists were liberal Socialists NAZI = National Socialist Party)
-just like the current Presidential administration

Anonymous said...

Why does FireDavidLetterman hate free speech and hate America? Did you see the video of those idiots at the FireDavidLetterman rally last week? Bunch of hateful idiots, the ugliest, most intellectually constipated Americans

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how many people posted comments that just dont "get it"! (after all these years) Most shocking is the fact that some of the negitive comments were made by women. Do they not get the big picture in this? The dumbing down of our culture, promoting and participating in the bulling and joking about sluts and knocked up girls is covert cruelty. Lets say the joke is about your child, your sister, your that okay? If it is, then you are incapable of promoting the evolution of society!

Anonymous said...

"On Sept. 2, during the presidential campaign, Leno, for example, told this joke on "The Tonight Show": "Governor Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it."

On Oct. 10, O'Brien, then host of "Late Night," quipped: "Sarah Palin is going to drop the first puck at the Philadelphia Flyers hockey game. Then Palin will spend the rest of the game trying to keep the hockey players out of her daughter's penalty box."

While the pregnant-daughter theme was most common on late-night shows during the fall campaign, it has never fully disappeared. And Letterman told far fewer of these jokes than some of his late-night brethren.

Through mid-March, Leno had made 15 jokes about the Palin daughter's pregnancy, Stewart had told four on "The Daily Show," and Letterman checked in with eight, according to an analysis of late-night humor by the Center for Media and Public Affairs, a nonpartisan research organization affiliated with George Mason University." -- On Sept. 2, during the presidential campaign, Leno, for example, told this joke on "The Tonight Show": "Governor Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it."

On Oct. 10, O'Brien, then host of "Late Night," quipped: "Sarah Palin is going to drop the first puck at the Philadelphia Flyers hockey game. Then Palin will spend the rest of the game trying to keep the hockey players out of her daughter's penalty box."

While the pregnant-daughter theme was most common on late-night shows during the fall campaign, it has never fully disappeared. And Letterman told far fewer of these jokes than some of his late-night brethren.

Through mid-March, Leno had made 15 jokes about the Palin daughter's pregnancy, Stewart had told four on "The Daily Show," and Letterman checked in with eight, according to an analysis of late-night humor by the Center for Media and Public Affairs, a nonpartisan research organization affiliated with George Mason University.

Brian McLaughlin said...

rush said he wants obama to fail, (yeah let our economy and government go down the drain). cheney says he want to see a terrorist attack. these statements are meant to be serious, and for some reason are ok with the conservative right. who knows why! letterman makes jokes, meant to be comedy, not taken serious by anyone and he becomes the threat to the entire nation if he is allowed to stay on the air.

something is really wrong here

ajvenom said...

Dave didn't mention any one by name and still appologized after it was constued to bring PR to the Palins. Palin's are the sick ones, not Dave.

I too will ban all company's that drop advertisement on the fire Dave website.

Anonymous said...

LOL, WOW. Really? You really think CBS will fire him. Good luck with that. He made a slip of the tongue and said the wrong name. Get over it and move on. And the comment about Rush was right on. Get him off then we will talk. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious about this.

It was a bad joke - and not aimed at a 14-year old. Yeah, we just groaned when we heard it. Sometimes his jokes aren't funny. That's all.

Sarah Palin is not outraged - no matter the palaver she feeds the press; the same with her family. Yeah, real Norman Rockwell family there. This is just publicity. I truly she could not find her way out of a wet sack in the rain. And obviously she's been a great influence on her children.

Just to hear the other side of the story, I have listened to your show, and do not ever hear anything helpful or inspiring. You are just hate monogers. You don't have anything positive to say about anything. Never good news from you guys. Give it a break. You are the screaming, opportunistic, minority in this country who need this "cause" for publicity. I'd never heard of you before this incident. And you'll fade away again when this is "over."

As far as Olive Garden ceasing advertising - don't think it's a bid deal. Don't know the demographics for OG patrons - and can state that neither I nor my friends or family have ever gone back to OG after the first visit, which was a long time ago, with no reason to go back.

Southwest airlines - who cares? Johnson & Johnson - lots of companies make similar products. They are who I will boycott if they get on their high horses and deem to judge - or, more accurately, buckle under the "forces" of the hate mongers like Messrs. Leahy, O'Reilly, and Limbaugh.

Ed said...

Liberals always fall back on the same old name calling as soon as there argument fails.

It's clear who is on the left on these types of blogs. Finger pointing and name calling is the liberal way. They always drag any argument into the gutter as soon as there point fails to resonate.

Arguing with ignorance is a moot point. A rational discussion with the left is impossible because their sense of right and wrong applies only to themselves.

No rational person could believe that this was not a pre-meditated attack on the Palin family. If this was only about Sarah Palin there would be no point of contention, however this was an attack on her family. I have yet to see any of the conservative commentaries aimed at the Obama family. President Obama, Sarah Palin or any elected public official is open game. This however does not extend to their families, particularly where minor children are involved.

So to Anonymous: If you have minor children is it OK for your neighbors to make them the butt of jokes? I didn't think so.....

One more thing, Rusty DePass, a prominent South Carolina Republican activist and former state elections director made the comments about Michelle Obama, not the governor (and as a republican I’m all for his removal, his comments were juvenile, insensitive and ignorant). If you’re going to attribute comments to someone, could you at least get your facts straight first…..

Morgan said...

I cant believe someone took this much time to complain about David Letterman and try to get him fired. You are turly a pathetic human being.

Anonymous said...

Really? Isn't there so much more going on in this country than to worry about the Olive Garden? It's David Letterman's job to poke fun . . . just like other late night talk show hosts. C'mon. Focus on more serious matters.

Brian McLaughlin said...

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for Letterman to tell a joke about Obama. The fact that he seems to only single out a certain group (conservatives) and fails to target some of his liberal pals, makes all those past jokes about Bush less funny. He has his own political agenda in his "jokes". Dave used to be funny. He's gotten mean in his old age.

so! its seems that bill clinton and his escapades are forgotten after all. how man joke were told then, and where was mr leahy then, why was he not protecting the honer and character of the clintons. letterman has hit and will continue to hit both side of our political community.

Wayne said...

To anyone who mentioned the First Amendment - Try some reading comprehension.

The First Amendment SPECIFICALLY restricts CONGRESS from making laws restricting the freedom of speech. Nowhere does it mention people gathering together to tell someone that their speech is offensive and unacceptable, or attempting, through financial pressure to have that person's sponsor remove his support.

No one here is trying to get GOVERNMENT to take anything away, so your statements about the First Amendment just show you don't know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

children are off limits... Letterman is making his agenda known - I'm sick of Hollywood being so political. What happened to REAL entertainment - the kind when it was funny bec it was funny and not bec it was an attack on someone? REAL humor doesnt seem to exist anymore.

Brian McLaughlin said...

wayne, we may be on differant sides of the issue, but i thank you for using a name instead of ANONYMOUS.
i feel if someone has something to say, he or she should be proud enough of it to use their name.

we all have a right to protest that which we find distastful, but calling for an entire shows crew to be taken to the unemployment line because of an off color joke! mr leahy really oversteps it here.

palin wants attention, she gets it, she didn't like what was said and publically complains (looking for more attention). she is the one responsible for parading her children through the public eye.

i don't think it is she who needs defending.

Anonymous said...

A previous post said "get over it people he (Letterman) gets paid to make people laugh".

I have tried his "humor". His show is a waste of time, if you want to laugh. The man is just not funny. Crude humor just doesn't cut it. David - Try something funny next time (if you know the difference). He should be dumped by CBS just for not doing his job.

Freedom of Speech - with this right, comes responsibility. Think who is affected before you speak. Please continue to speak your opinions, but try to keep the full impact of what leaves your mouth in mind. If your comments are of a personal basis instead of factual, keep them to yourself. The fact is, Letterman is just not as funny as most comedians. I do not know the man personally and I am sure he has probably done some good in his life. Nothing personal David -- CBS, you really should upgrade.

Anonymous said...

I don't think children of politicians, regardless of what their ages are, should be mocked, insulted or ridiculed.

If this is protected speech as you libs out here claim...then there are no sacred cows...

I wonder how the current President would react to similar comments about his two daughters and A-Rod?

There would be such an outcry...and Letterman would have been sent packing the next day.

The fact is that there is a line that exists...whether liberals will admit this or not.

Just because you want us all to live in the gutter does not mean that we have to...

And these sponsors are going to continue to hear from us that feel this way until there is some definite action on this matter besides lip service.

This is not going to go away no matter how old it gets.

Anonymous said...

Here's the deal. It matters not who thinks Letterman is or is not funny because Letterman is on free TV. What matters is whether the sales dept can convince adverstisers to pay for letyterman's show. They use ratings to do that. but here's the thing. High ratings are a detriment if those who see the advertising express that they will NOT patronize the advertiser. Those running the coproprations are not liberals but are very conservative. But they advertise not for politics but to sell theier product. So, Letterman headwind fact #1, they're dropping Letterman fast because advertising with him is getting them exactly the opposite of what they pay for. Letterman headwind fact #2, they've very receptive to appeals to come to Gov. and Willow Palin's defense that us protesters present to them. Dave's toast. Delaying it will only serve to destroy a fond memory of his career pre-June 11th. See Dan Rather for how it works out in the end to cling to the spotlight long after the facts bury you.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I am so tired of people doing character assassinations on others like Sarah Palin under the guise of "freedom of speech". I'm sick of people "abusing" their rights instead of practicing them with taste and discernment. I think slanderous statements should be outlawed!

So many people hurt or destroy people with their tongues, and, are not held accountable. It is irresponsible mouths that have enabled, caused, and provoked others (their targets) to respond violently against their attackers, innocents, or even themselves (suicides).

If people simply dismiss that the ugliness and hate the dispense is a form of 'freedom of speech', then I would submit that murder is merely a 'form of expression' and should also be okay.

Yes, I think ugly speech about others is as harmful as homicide. There are several ways to kill a person, and, not all of it has anything to do with a biological end of life.

Killing a person's character, their life, integrity, reputation, social status is as bad as shooting someone in the head. If the idiots that continue to attack people with their mouths and in speaking or in written form were to realize what harm they do, and be held accountable, this country would be a much better place.

It doesn't seem fair that there are people serving life sentences for killing people with physical violence when there are many that kill people by destroying (others0 their essence and characters.

The latter is much more painful, and, the character and integrity of a person should be as meaningful as their biological life.

I hope a day comes when people are quickly and harshly dealt with that choose to destroy the characters and integrity of innocent others. I'm sick of people using the freedom of speech excuse to create disharmony and insolence within our society.

Anonymous said...

I think anyone who tries to use the excuse of the first amendment is very ignorant. We don't want Letterman to go to jail for his poor joke; we know he can say what he wants, but we ALSO have the right to the first amendment. It is a two way street. If we don't like what someone says (which they have the right to say) we can attack them for it (which we have the right to do).

Anonymous said...

You people are pathetic.

Beau said...

In watching some protesting critics of Mr Letterman I have noticed that some refer to him as a "dirty old man". I find THAT offensive. Is being an old man a disease? Is being 62 a disease?
Mr Letterman made a "politically incorrect" joke. It was a joke! Ridiculing someone for being "old" is just as bad as declaring a "jihad" on a comedian for making a less than tasteful joke. Shame on YOU!

Lacey said...

You have got to be kidding! Really? You guys are wasting time on this? This is funny....get a life, seriously! Losers....

Anonymous said...

I was so pleasantly surprized to learn of and all the good efforts underway here. It's nice to see the far left be held accountable. I hope this gains traction and continues to grow. It's ROTFLOL hilarious to see upset close minded lefts defend Letterman's stupidity.

Anonymous said...

It amazes me what thin skin people have. A joke it a joke. Some are funny, some are dumb, some are dirty, some are obnoxious, some are crass, idiotic, X-rated, ethic, offensive to almost everybody...but a joke is just that. Just a joke. It's not hate speech, it's not physical violence, it doesn't call people to action for's just an attempt to get a laugh.

If you thought the Dave Letterman joke was offensive, go listen to George Carlin, the King of Offending Anyone and Everyone. His material was broad and deep, yet it often was extremely offensive to many people. He didn't care. He was used to exploring limits. And he was on network TV a helluva lot. HBO gave him tons of time for special broadcasts.

As for the time and place of a joke (on late-night network TV), people DO have the option of NOT watching. And if they choose to watch they can assume that Dave Letterman, who's been doing late night monologues for what, 30+ years now, is going to occasionally offend someone.

This 'fire David Letterman' effort is as every bit as offensive as any Letterman joke ever was.

Please. Get a life.

Anonymous said...


I hat this double standard of everything a women says on TV is totally innocent and jovial.

Anonymous said...

Until Letterman is out, we won't ever watch any CBS shows anymore and we will stop buying the products of its advertisers. While others take this protest lightly, my family are taking this VERY seriously. We have gotten the word around among friends and email contacts and we will not stop until Letterman is GONE!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Everybody needs to calm down. I don't like Rush Limbaugh, I change the station. Same for Howard Stern, Jay Leno, and countless others. I don't join a fire Limbaugh club like some pathetic loser with too much time on his hands. The joke Letterman made was a bad joke, and misinterpreted as well. As for jokes about Palin, she decided to be in the public eye. Thanks John McCain. I could have gone my whole life without seeing that woman.

Puma for Life said...

I just got this from Mars:

In response to your email regarding MARS SNACKFOOD US.

We are writing in response to your recent communication which objects to the placement of advertising on David Letterman. We appreciate your concern and thank you for taking the time to contact us.

While we do not "sponsor" television shows, we do contract for commercial time months in advance for those programs which we feel effectively reach our consumers. As a matter of policy we make every effort to avoid programs containing exploitative examples of ethnic, racial, religious or sexual stereotyping. We apologize if we were unsuccessful in this instance, and we will share your comments with our advertising agencies.

Our loyal consumers are very important to us, and we thank you for taking the time to bring this to our attention.

Have a great day!

Your Friends at Mars Snackfood US


Please do NOT reply to this email. If you would like to respond to this message, click on the link below.

Dave said...

David Letterman is a comedian. He made a horrible indefensible joke and then did not take immediate responsibility for the joke. He then apologized sincerely and his apology was accepted.

Palin is a public figure and when he jokes about her as he did in last Friday's monologue that is to be expected. I just watched all 5 monologues from last week and he made jokes about liberals and conservatives. He made jokes about Bill Clinton's philandering as well as Dick Cheney's unpopularity.

That's what you do when you are a comedian. What he said in his sincere apology about never before making a joke like he did (in his view inadvertently) about Palin's daughter must be true. If it were not I am sure that someone would have aired a clip or a transcript about it.

If you guys really want to get a show off the air exert sponsors to shy away from TLC's Gosselin reality show. That show is destroying a family. Letterman is not going anywhere. If he gets fired someone else will pick him up and he'll come back bigger than ever.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to comics in the media offending people, the cycle of mass hysteria is rarely any different. I'm from Australia and we recently had a similar incident regarding popular satirists "The Chaser" (see: ). It's amazing how this case parallels what happened with The Chaser - which in turn paralleled what happened to Chris Morris of "Brass Eye" in the UK a few years ago (see: ) Anyway, just thought I'd pass that on - that, and GET THE HELL OVER IT ALREADY. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous at 2.55PM. I watched the video link you posted. Interesting. Now let me tell you a little story about another nation who didn't realise it was being brain-washed until it was too late. Like you, many of them hated the left. The year was 1933. His first name was Adolf...

Seriously, are you that paranoid?

Anonymous said...


I'm sick of malicious leftists posing as comics. Let 'em know how fed up we are.

Anonymous said...


Hahah, this hits the nail RIGHT on the head. You're telling me that out of everything on network television (let's not even *try* to mine cable TV), that this, *this*, is the most offensive thing against women that you could find to get worked up about?

When you mention to these people that similar jokes were made by Leno and O'Brien, they have no intelligent counter.

When you mention that Rush Limbaugh has mocked women, Parkinson's, Chelsea Clinton and African-Americans NUMEROUS times without their reprimand or reprecussion, they fall silent.

They cling to the "Imus was fired, so should Letterman" argument as though they were the first people on the "FIRE IMUS!" bandwagon, a statement that borders as delusional (and for the record, I didn't agree with Imus' firing and I happen to think he's the most boring radio personality in history).

They pull the "how would you like it if this was Obama" card even though no such incident has happened, ergo we have no test case by which to judge this case against.

In sum, they cling to a hypothetical example and an example they didn't care about until it suited their purposes as their primary evidence that Letterman should be fired. Tells you everything you need to know.

- ATLObserver (a Conan O'Brien fan, in case you were wondering)

Republican Dad said...

Wow! What a bunch of liberal nut jobs replying on here that they are all for free speech, except when it comes from conservatives. Don't any of you idiot Obamalaide drinkers realize that protesting Letterdumb is free speech also? You dips are so washed.

Anonymous said...

And did Republican Dad protest Limbaugh?

And did Republican Dad notice when other standup comedians made the same jokes?

And will Republican Dad have any retort if you defend Letterman but are not an Obama fan?

I completely agree that freedom of the speech claim is a dumb one. Congratulations on disassembling the straw dog. Now would you like to address my criticisms?

- ATLObserver

Anonymous said...

We'll never be happy unless we have something to complain about. I'm thankful that I don't let tiny, insignificant jokes (from either side of the political spectrum) interfere with my day-to-day life. We've grown into a society where we are offended by everything and we latch on to any detail in order to start a crusade against...anything and everything. We're at a low point in our country's existence, hell, even our WORLD's existence, but it's not because of offensive humor; it's because of "victim" opportunists.

Anonymous said...

I think I will go buy book a room at Embassy Suites. Apologies have been made and accepted. Get over it.

get fucked sarah palin said...

#1 (read carefully at what it suggests)
"Governor Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it." - Jay Leno, Sept. 2008

So by everyone's logic, Jay Leno should have been fired as host of "The Tonight Show" and not gotten his 10 p.m. show too because Bristol was still 17 at the time

"Sarah Palin is going to drop the first puck at the Philadelphia Flyers hockey game. Then Palin will spend the rest of the game trying to keep the hockey players out of her daughter's penalty box." - Conan O'Brien, Oct. 2008

So by everyone's logic, Conan O'Brien should have never gotten to host "The Tonight Show" too because Bristol was still 17 at the time.

Where was all the alleged outrage then?

Kevin W. said...

I am amazed how liberal commentators here are trying to change the meaning of what Letterman said. Anonymous wants us to believe Letterman didn't comment on the 14 year old. On the contrary, he knew which girl was at the game. Besides, rape is wrong at any age (unless they are the daughter of a conservative politician, apparently). No one from is creating their own interpretation, but are quoting his "jokes". For the one who said Letterman meant the "joke" to attack ARod, I guess you think it is funny if it means ARod is a rapist. Letterman has also called Palin "slutty", but I guess some of you think that is ok too. I bet there would be a lot more outrage if this was directed at Michele Obama or her children. For those who claim Rush is worse, I have never heard him joke about raping women or calling them sluts, so don't even go there. Politicians are fair game for comedians, but there has to be a "line" they don't cross and the "jokes" should never talk about the rape of children. To anonymous, this is not ridiculous and it is not being blown out of proportion. On the contrary, the national news media has actually had the gaul to blame Sarah Palin for this because she had the effrontery to bring her 14 year old daughter to a baseball game. How often does a child from Alaska get to attend Yankee Stadium? It is time to call sin, sin, whether it is against conservative or liberal. Had this been against a family that the media loves instead of hates, Letterman would have been history long ago!

Kevin W. said...

Brian, Rush said if Obama wanted to set up a socialist government (and that's what Obama has done) he wants the socialist government to fail. Cheney NEVER said he wanted a terrorist attack on America, that came from the liberal head of the CIA, Leon Panetta. If you are going to attribute comments to a person, make sure you actually heard the commentary. I have heard both Rush make his comment on Hannity's tv show, and Cheney make his comment. Chenney was warning us that the Obama administration is making us left safe against terrorist attacks, NOT "hoping" we are attacked. Rush doesn't want to see America become a socialist country and neither do I. I do not think this is the "change" people voted for. Had the media done its job, people would have known about Obama before he was elected.

Anonymous said...

Keep up he good work Michael. It's time to let the liberals in the country know that the "silent majority" no longer wishes to be silent.

Anonymous said...

This is a bit much!!! I watch Letterman from time to time. I didn't even hear about this joke until the news media picked up on it. So thank YOU for keeping these comments in the spotlight. I say, pay for your own advertising on the Late Show to let people know your opinions. This way, the people that still haven't heard about this...might.

Anonymous said...

What a joke. The comparison to Don Imus is not even remotely valid. Completely different situations. Move on.

Anonymous said...

I notice the comment constantly here saying 'LET IT GO.'

Let it go means what?

To recap, Letterman rapes verbally another person's child and I am hearing that I should be disinterested and let it go!

By this logic then, I am consistently wrong because whether it is a liberal's or conservative's child, I will NOT LET IT GO if it constitutes a vicious and unethical attack against the most vulnerable of our society, our children.

My position is very simple.

Our children look to us for protection. Our children count on us to defend their rights. Our children rely on us to stand up for them because they cannot!

I wonder what Pres. Harry S. Truman would say considering the 'vicious' attack he defended against his daughter in the press.

Would it be okay for for those of you who say let it go for Palin to say "I have never met you, but if I do you'll need a new nose and plenty of beefsteak and perhaps a supporter below?"

No, I will not 'let go' of that standard because it is right, honest, and good.

Don Imus had to step down for a time because he used a racist comment about very young adult women. When Letterman has to accept the same fate then I will let it go.

Because then, my children, will know that they don't need to be afraid of the bad guys getting to them in the name of money.

Oh, and one last observation, I think somebody should check Mr. Letterman's personal computer to see if there are any photos of young children that should not be there ( Remember Bernie Ward of KGO ).

Anonymous said...

I was also offended by the Sarah Palin joke but I am more offended by the treatment he gave Farrah Fawcett a few years ago. She was undergoing treatment for cancer and he tried to make her look like an idiot. I cannot help but wonder if he feels bad for this? From what I've read since her death she was a lovely woman who did not deserve his ridicule.
I think he should be more careful with guests and jokes in the future. You do not have to make someone look stupid to be funny.

Anonymous said...

Might as well rename your site, "" or maybe even ""

You have as much chance of dislodging Letterman as Palin does in getting elected to Federal office.

Unknown said...

Good job, Leahy. How about one of those on-line petitions, too? I'd definitely sign one of those.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin has become the left's whipping girl. She must be really intimidating to men like David Letterman and John Kerry. She's a strong woman and mother that doesn't fall for their "crap". It wouldn't be so hard to attack her if she wasn't so nice.

Anonymous said...

It's not really about Sarah Palin. It is about the demeaning of women in general. I am against woman-bashing my the media for any reason...their clothes, hair, weight, skin color, religion whatever. Mr. Letterman's comments and non-apology are a tacit approval by the media that this behavior is acceptable. Everyone, liberal, conservative or whatever, needs to stop the bashing of women! These comments lead to many problems such as teen suicide, depression, abusive relationships and more. I am a high school special ed teacher and I am sick of seeing young girls cut themselves and attempt suicide.

Unknown said...

All this support for Letterman is part of the left's tactic to discredit conservatives. We are not silent any longer, and we will continue to voice our views about the administration and its supporters. Trying to silence us by putting us down will not be a successful move, for we are hardened and determined. We want our country to succeed, and our leader is intent on tearing it down so he can rebuild it in a socialist format. We will not allow that to happen, so get used to it!

Anonymous said...

Good going! Keep up the pressure. I can't wait until he's gone! Boycott! Boycott! Get them in the money bags!

Anonymous said...

Mary Lou said it well. We will not settle for what the left says is ok. All they really have are verbal attacks for any one who opposes there point of view. Peter

Anonymous said...

I cannot help but wonder what would have happened had a remark such as this been made by Letterman or anyone else about one of President Obama's young girls.

Daniel said...

This is ludicrous. I most certainly am not going to boycott the companies and organizations mentioned. And as an aside, the letter from Southwest Airlines does not say that they stopped advertising during Letterman's show because of his comments. This direct link is not made by them. This conclusion is speculative and is made by the author of this blog, thus misrepresenting the facts.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet land of liberty...

America the Free indeed...

Anonymous said...

Mary Lou, since when have the conservatives or liberals been silent on anything? Everyone on here bad mouthing each others beliefs and labeling one another either conservative or liberal... do you not see how youre all be used by the media and politicians to further the separation of our country? "Our" government can do whatever the hell it pleases if we are too busy fighting amongst ourselves to make our voices heard in opposition to their attrocities

Anonymous said...

For me, this incident is just the straw that broke a very belabored camel's back...Letterman seems to me in my opinion to be relentless and ruthless in his attacks on conservatives...OH come on--a token joke about leftists that is mostly pretty positive or whatever and then constant assault of anyone with right leanings... This has been going on for years. I haven't seen him do anything close to this kind of joke against BO or his children. Mr. Letterman--- I will NEVER EVER watch your show again so all sponsors on your show WASTE their money and I will do my best to find out who sponsors you and avoid them. As if Katie Couric and what is in my opinion the nightly lovefest for BO-leftists et al. that calls itself the "news" wasn't Letterman viciously attacks children. CBS is slipping badly in my view--The good thing is I no longer waste time watching the likes of Letterman and I sleep much better for it. People with any class do not use freedom of speech to promote hurting a child in any fashion for any reason. I also think his "apology" was not sincere and his mockery since makes me think it all the more.... I am done with watching the Letterman show and, if CBS continues down this path, it is soon to follow.