Sunday, November 01, 2009

Local Republicans Charge Corruption in NY-23 Scozzafava Fiasco

Local Republicans in NY-23 are publicly wondering if the Obama White House promised Dede Scozzafava, the former Republican nominee, a plum job to endorse Democratic candidate Bill Owens.

"In my opinion, you've got a corrupt deal going on between the Obama White House and Dede Scozzafava. It's Chicago politics in the 23rd NY Congressional District."
Jim Ellis, Franklin County New York Republican Chairman

"I don't think that Dede Scozzafava's endorsement of Bill Owens will influence one vote other than maybe hers. This whole process after her selection has been sickening. What she's doing is sad, other than it shows what kind of a person she is, and what her true allegiance is."
Paul Mauron, the NY-23 Congressional Candidate who lost the nomination to Dede in a process that has subsequently been documented to have been tainted

"Is she that mad? I thought she was a patriot. She is just turning her back on a lot of the values of her constituency in this district."
Sam Villanti, Lewis County New York Republican Chairman

"There was something that I felt was wrong with Dede Scozzafava all along anyway after we went through the nomination process. She's showing her true colors now. If she was a true Republican, she would not be doing this, endorsing the Democrat Bill Owens who will support Nancy Pelosi."
Susan McNeil, Fulton County New York Republican Chairman

You can read the rest of the story at The TCOT Report.

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